
Panorex X-Ray

A panorex machine is a very impressive piece of imaging machinery in that it is capable of identifying many issues and structures that a normal x-ray does not. Initially you will walk toward the machine and be instructed to put your chin on a small ledge. Once positioned in the machine, it will rotate around your entire head taking a full 360 degree view of the teeth, head, sinuses and bones. This will take approximately 20 seconds.

The ability to view the full structure of your head as a whole is very informative to the dentist. It will allow us to see any potential problems and make sure that everything is functioning as it should be. The panorex is capable of viewing specific types of structural problems, infections or asymmetry among many others.


Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are quickly becoming adopted by a large percentage of the dental industry. A digital x-ray allows the dentist to take an image of the tooth or teeth and put it into an imaging program. Within this imaging program, there are a number of tools that will allow the dentist to take a very close look at the teeth and surrounding structures with amazing accuracy. As a benefit to the patient, the digital x-ray also provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray. This is due to the fact that the digital version of the x-ray is much more sensitive to this radiation and has been specifically designed with the patient in mind.


Sedation (Nitrous oxide)

Nitrous Oxide, known to many as laughing gas, is the most commonly used form of sedation in dentistry. It is administered by having the patient inhale the gas, which is carefully monitored by your doctor. You will fall into a euphoric state and feel completely relaxed without being asleep. You will remain conscious and responsive at all times. All feelings of fear and anxiety fade away, leaving you to sit back peacefully while your dental procedure is performed .We use Nitrous Oxide Sedation for many who are fearful of dental procedures, those who just want to relax a bit more in the chair, and on most children. You usually do not feel any pain and some don’t even remember the procedure. Nitrous oxide sedation is very safe and effective. Once the procedure is over, the nitrous oxide will wear off fairly quickly. You will be able to drive yourself home and return to your daily activities.